Whether it’s in-person or online, please don’t hesitate to contact any Organizing Team member.

You can also reach us at leadership@codeforphilly.org.

Michael Chow and Marieke Jackson
Michael Chow and Marieke Jackson


Marieke (rhymes with Paprika) Jackson is a professional data scientist and amateur busybody. Marieke is a firm believer in leveraging the connective power of technology to help everyone, not just the folks who can afford it. You can reach her on twitter or through old fashioned email at mjackson@codeforphilly.org. Marieke loves climbing, biking, pancakes, and you.


Michael Chow is also a data scientist. He’s focused full-time this year on helping non-profits in Philadelphia and contributing to open source tools. Previously, he led research on adaptive assessment at DataCamp, and received a PhD in cognitive psychology from Princeton University. You can reach him on Twitter or email.

Julia Schuchard
Julia Schuchard

Julia is a researcher who has done quite a bit of moving around in her life. She grew up in Baltimore (Maryland), Kansas City (Missouri), and Atlanta (Georgia). She moved again for graduate work at Northwestern University in Chicago, Illinois, and then yet again to Philadelphia for a postdoctoral position. Her work throughout the years has included: dissecting a human brain, hosting a support group for stroke survivors, neuroimaging research subjects, and surveying children with chronic illnesses about their quality of life. Most of the time she’s at a computer, working with data, oftentimes through her job as a Research Scientist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), where she contributes to patient-centered clinical research.


Operations Lead

Kat Jost
Kat Jost

Kat Jost is a technical operations leader who builds and guides high-performing software development teams on mission-driven projects. Side hustles include mentoring small business owners in Philly and serving as Vice Chair of the Board of Directors at Technology Learning Collaborate (TLC), a nonprofit that promotes digital access and literacy in Philadelphia. In a past life, she was the founder of Skilled Not Ill, a mental wellness social club. Kat loves volunteering, being social, and playing with her mean but adorable dog JJ.

Senior Advisors